Over the past two weeks, students have been working hard on their projects.
Cyber Safety
The Cyber Safety Group have been designing a website to promote safe use of the internet to students at HPPS. They have also been busy writing and rehearsing their plays. They were lucky enough to get a special session with the drama teacher, Kathy, who gave them feedback about how to polish their performance. The plays will be performed next week in the other commons.
Healthy Food
The Healthy Food Group went on a trip to the supermarket to source healthy ingredients for the healthy recipes they have been researching. For some of the recipes they substituted the not so healthy ingredients with healthier ones. The whole common is benefiting from this project as we all got to sample the yummy but healthy food that they made!
After surveying other students about the type of conflicts they mostly experience at school, the Friendship Group have filmed some common conflict scenarios along with strategies for dealing with them. They will be screening the episodes in all the commons next week.
Outdoor Space
This group have been designing and painting some large art work that will be displayed in the LC4 outdoor area to brighten up the space. They have also worked on crafting an outdoor concrete pot which they are planning to decorate and use in the space.
The Fitness Group have been very active, organising a running workshop, an upcoming soccer tournament, a rippa rugby round robin and creating infographics to encourage others to become more active.
At the beginning of Term 4, students decided they wanted to make their learning space more colourful and friendly. You will have noticed lots of new displays and art on the walls but some students took this a step further and created an entirely new space. This is our new Reading Corner. This includes a reading hut designed by Tate, a bookshelf built and donated by Jack and some inspiring artwork by Indi, Sydney, Kaylana and some other students.
In the final weeks of this term we will be exploring algebra. During this time students will investigate making and describing patterns, finding rules to predict the results of patterns and how relationships are expressed in words and in graphs. They will also look at equations consisting of +, <, and > and solving equations with unknowns.
Wednesday 7 December: LC4 students have been invited to the Hobsonville Point Secondary School to their Market Day. The students will be walking to the secondary school so they need shoes, a hat and some gold coins if they would like to buy anything at the Market.
Tuesday 13th December: HPPS is inviting all parents to visit the school for a celebration, picnic and visit the learning commons to see what has been taking place in term 4. For those that worked on the Hobsonville Point History game there is an opportunity to share the video game also. The school newsletter has more information about this.