Friday, 18 November 2016

Week 5 & 6

Physical Education
There has been a great amount of PE taking place for LC4 students recently. We've had a groups of students taking part in workshops with the secondary school, they've been learning skateboarding, badminton, dance and cheerleading. A large group of students have also been involved with gymnastics on Friday afternoons, professional coaches have been visiting to support our students. As a learning common we've also been going out to practise some of the summer small ball skills of catching, striking and throwing. Students are enjoying the chance to get outside:
"My handstands used to go everywhere and I'd fall, now my handstands are good and I'm starting to learn how to do a cartwheel".
"I've been learning how to do things but I'm still struggling to do them when we're not on the mats. But I still love going".
"I've learnt how to play badminton, I thought it was just like tennis but its not".
"Now I know how to throw a ball properly".

Effective Communication Projects
Physical Activity Group:
These students have all chosen to promote greater physical activity at Hobsonville Point Primary and have so far created a survey using Google Forms to investigate the student attitude towards exercise. They're going to use their results to create infographics, including data and their learning from their own personal interest. Outcomes within this group are a lunchtime soccer tournament, rippa rugby workshops, student led run club and another group is looking to excite students with a trip to Clip 'n' Climb.

LC4 Outdoor Space:
This group have set the lofty challenge of creating a more inspirational and relaxing outdoor space. They've been busy writing letters for Mitre 10, newsletters and investigating methods for beautifying the courtyard. They are wanting to create Bottleflies using recycled plastic bottles and are hoping to do some planting, paintwork and possibly even some small construction work.

Healthy Food Project Group
In the last few weeks, the healthy food group have been doing a whole lot of research! We have been reading food labels and finding out what things like sugar, protein and calcium do to our bodies! 
This week we talked about substituting unhealthy ingredients in recipes for healthy ingredients. We hope to be visiting the supermarket next week and then getting into the kitchen to test our substitutions.

Friendship Project Group
We have been flat out writing scripts that demonstrate how kids in our school can solve problems between them and their peers! After lots and lots of filming and then re-filming, we are happy to be editing our film at last! Soon our "first episode" will be complete and then shared with some of the learning commons around the school. In the meantime, we are writing new scripts for our next episode too!

Cyber Safety
The Cyber Safety Project group are exploring how best to promote cyber safety tips effectively to students at Hobsonville Point. The group have started by collecting information about student use of the internet. Did you know that 50% of students spend 1-2 hours a day online?  Over 60% of student play online games with chat. But only half of those know who they are chatting to. Currently the group are researching how to stay online and thinking about ways they could communicate this information. Some of the group were lucky enough to attend a Cyber Safety Conference being held at Hobsonville Point Secondary School.

“I thought it was ok at first but now I know you shouldn’t share your age and birthdate”
"It wasn’t just one of the those normal conferences where it is just boring boring information, the kids actually got to be involved in the sessions and it was mostly kids teaching kids”
“They told us that sometimes you might not be popular at school but you can be popular online - and that surprised me”

Mannequin Challenge
Our students have noticed that the Mannequin challenge has been quite popular, we've been using it to extend their ability with drama skills. Here are some samples of what they've been doing.

Upcoming events:
Y6 Bike Safety course in week 7.
IEM emails to be sent soon from Karma.

Monday, 7 November 2016

Week 3 & 4 happenings

Emotion and our senses
Over the past three weeks we have created a ‘sensory’ room in LC4, a space where the visual, audio and olfactory setting has changed every couple of days. This is to encourage students to think about how their environment influences their emotions. What we feel can be influenced by what our senses are taking in and what we hear, see, taste, smell, can provide us with information on how to feel.
Macintosh HD:Users:brasell-chaudhry:Desktop:IMG_1026.jpg

Blue room: “Feels like I am in the future”, “calm”, “soothing”
Red room: “Makes me feel crushed”
Coffee: “Reminds of of the time I gave it to my Dad for his birthday”, “mornings”
Thyme: “Feels like summer”
Water sounds: “Relaxing and annoying at the same time”

Digital Citizenship

The immersion in week 3 was around confident and positive engagement with digital technology. We introduced some safety information to help the students get the best out of the internet and stay safe online. We talked about not giving out personal information when we are chatting online, not meeting up with strangers we’ve been in touch with online and not opening emails or files from people we don’t know. We also talked about telling a parent or trusted adult if something is happening online that makes us feel uncomfortable.  

If you want to give yourself an online quiz, check out:

Here are some acronyms the students came up with to remember which personal information not to share online:

Phone number
Email address
Real name

Hotmail or other email address
Address of your house
Phone number
Your full name

Health Kids Challenge

The Healthy Kids Challenge has started! The challenge runs for 5 weeks and in that time students count the number of steps they take each day using their pedometers. We have a team of students adding up the steps each day and calculating the average to record on the Healthy Kids Challenge website. Follow our virtual journey around the world at:

Day of the Dead

Several of our students helped to organise a Day of the Dead celebration on the 31st October. They prepared activities to do throughout the day, dressed up and asked everyone to bring a plate for a shared lunch. Thanks Radha, Clarissa, Martina and others.

Celebrating our writing
One of our writing groups has been working to construct a village that represents them, they shared this with the Learning Common on Friday. Some children have recently produced accordion books or story wheels. These are still up in LC4 if you're child was in one of these groups.