Friday, 14 October 2016

Week 1 in LC4.5

We've been focussing on our immersion activities a lot this week, specifically working on our well-being through understanding friendship, emotions and relationships.

Friday began with a lot of work exploring feelings, we used freeze frames to show emotions:

Friday afternoon was spent in 3 different art workshops, Nicole explored ink-blowing, Trudy's group worked on Mandala art and Reid's group were inspired by Keith Haring.

Keith Haring inspired art:
"It was great fun because we got messy"
"We got to smudge and use lots of colours"
"I was a bit stressed and this helped me relax" 


Ink blowing:
"I still have to do the hair, it was interesting and I want to learn how it [the ink] is used in other applications"
"I want to keep on doing it, it was really enjoyable"
"I want to learn more about indian ink"

Mandala Art:
Mandala patterns are an Indian art form that uses symmetrical patterns that are designed. Today they focussed on radial pattern using paint and rocks. The students listened to a range of music, including Tibetan incantations while they were in their art session, "Be quiet, I want to meditate to this music"
While watching a video, the students thought it would be quite difficult but they all experienced success in the workshop.

Upcoming events in LC4.5:
Healthy Kids Challenge using pedometers
OnBoard Skateboarding Workshops - notice to come home soon.